Great Headliner. Totally Justified

Sacramento's Tesla was up next. Totally justified as day 1 headliners, they definitely had quite a few fans in attendance just there to see them and no-one else!

I don't know if it was the local water, but a few natives (and bands) pronounced them....Tezla! It's been a fair few years since I saw them last (supporting Leppard on the Hysteria tour) and the guys still all look and more importantly sound great. Whilst I never really classed them as AOR, Tesla are a class A1 rock band. In the same fruitful vein as FM, Tesla prove that their latest offerings (2008's I Wanna Live & Breaking Free) are up there with anything from their first 3 classic albums.

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Tesla are definitely at Magna to put on a show, with Jeff Keith a cross between Stephen Tyler and a clothed Iggy Pop, with a definite strange vibe going on (a bit in his own world, a nice world at that) and the rest of the band ready to unleash their wrath on the Rotherham crowd.

Thankfully Keith's voice has hardly altered since Mechanical Resonance and the songs fit like a nice comfy pair of slippers. We are given Getting Better, and more importantly, the Frank Hannon wizardry on the theremin for the excellent Edison's Medicine. Other highlights that stood out a little more than the rest were Heaven's Trail (No Way Out) and The final song of the set being their 'must play' and the first Tesla song I ever heard, the barnstorming (and a ROCK CLASSIC) Modern Day Cowboy.

For the encore they played Little Suzi, but I must admit I was a little disappointed they didn't play to the GTA (Grand Theft Auto) crowd in us all and hammer us with Comin Atcha Live, but that's just me being a little too picky.

I just hope I dont wait another 25 years before I see them again!


I Wanna Live
Hang Tough
Breakin' Free
Heaven's Trail (No Way Out)
Mama's Fool
Gettin' Better
The Way It Is
What You Give
Love Song
Edison's Medicine
Lazy Day's, Crazy Night's
Modern Day Cowboy

Little Suzi

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 2 available.