Liberated Sounds

Counting Days have been generating a widespread buzz in recent times, mainly due to the fact they’re made up of ex members of so many other bands, but also because musically they’ve unleashed snippets here and there, and it sounds big. This show at Our Black Heart in Camden was an album release show for the debut full length Liberated Sounds. Having also reviewed this album, it is fair to say we were expecting some pretty big things at tonight’s show.

Unfortunately for them, almost inexplicably considering it was fine for the support bands, the sound just wasn’t right throughout. It wasn’t their playing being detrimental, but the fact that all of a sudden it was all just very quiet which doesn’t help in a venue as small as this. That alongside the fact that it being a free show meant it was perhaps overcrowded just let them down on the night really. Both concerns were clearly out of their hands and they did well to plough on through. Let’s face it as well, the fact that it was a touch overcrowded does back up the fact that these guys are seriously causing a stir within the Heavy Music community at the moment.

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From the glimpses that did shine through, the band did sound incredibly tight. Drummer Lasselle Lewis is probably the stand out performer on the new record, and he was tonight as well. His playing style just lends itself so well to the kind of brutish heavy sounding Metal these guys are delivering at the moment. Alongside this as well, Thomas Debaere, what a frontman! He stalks around on the stage like a young Randy Blythe, throwing himself in to absolutely every aspect of his vocals. Despite the fact there were some sound issues, and at times sections of the crowd just didn’t seem all that into it, he carried it well. When the band launched in to a cover of Slipknot’s Sic any gripes over it being a bit quiet were lost and naturally it gained by far the biggest reaction.

Overall then, the band themselves are absolute excellent and their new album, Liberated Sounds which they were launching tonight is testament to that fact, but issues like poor sound and a short running time hampered this being a truly defining performance which it could well have been. Do not let this put you off Counting Days in the future, they’ve got a LOT more to bring in the future.

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 1 available.