An Hollow Plea

Aylesbury singer/songwriter David Saw tries to appeal to your subconscious with his single ‘Buy My Record’, which kicks off with the cheeky line, “Buy my record from a record store and play it over town”. It’s an upbeat tune with a blues swagger and jazz riffs that slink along above a shuffling rhythm and snatches of twinkling piano. It’s a bright number with a memorable melody, but it doesn’t feel overly exciting or inventive.

‘Some Love’ is a soppy ballad in traditional singer/songwriter style. The vocals are heartfelt and the backing simple to maximise their effect but the melody is just a little dull and doesn’t seem to go anywhere. Love songs, even ones about lost love, should tug on your heartstrings, while ‘Some Love’ just leaves you daydreaming about the real world outside of Saw’s simpering creation.

David Saw clearly has a lovely voice and the ability to write fair songs, but he could do with injecting a little spirit into his slower numbers to give the listener something to really feel excited about.