Mad but Brilliant

Amidst the flood of mediocre indie, Art Brut’s punk-pop tunes with a ramshackle style and certain daft flair certainly stand out. ‘DC Comic & Chocolate Milkshake’ is a heart-warmingly off-kilter tune about the things that we still love in our 20s. Eddie Argos’ discordant, chaotic vocals spice up the funky indie guitar riffs which characterise the band’s sound. Whether you like them or hate them, Art Brut are championing irreverent British indie pop, which can only be a good thing.

‘Weird Science’ is a slightly bonkers number about the perils of drinking and science fiction, two normally unconnected strands of pleasure brought together in a jaunty tune with jagged riffs. It’s an upbeat, jangly and bright number with a lazy charm that’s impossible to dislike.

This single is a fine return to form from Argos and co. and just what British indie needs to inject some interest into the scene.