Alternative by numbers?

The alternative rock five-piece’s third single is another solid and consummate release, adequate in every way if not interested in pushing the boundaries. Lyrics of “suicide”, “surrender” and a “burning sun” tick the appropriate boxes as do the vocals, which sacrifice prominence in the altogether quieter verses for an epic tilt in the grander chorus. The keyboard lines and guitar riffs serve their purposes, never detracting from the whole but stopping short of taking centre stage.

Carrying on an impressive alternative music tradition of bands from Reading, My Luminaries seem instantly more branded to be easily digestible than other hometown heroes, lacking the depth or complexity of Pure Reason Revolution or the power and experimentalism of The Cooper Temple Clause. Packaged effectively to take up the reins of reliable stadium rockers, the ilk of Coldplay and U2, it seems almost inevitable they win an award from Q magazine. Oh look, they have, Q’s Emerging Talent Award.

While Parasol isn’t straining to innovate, it is nothing to be ashamed of. Uninspiring but textbook, it may see them gain the widespread acclaim and label security those other Reading bands never quite achieved. Anyway, Coldplay and U2 aren’t exactly short of fans are they? If ever you had to show someone what alternative rock is this song would provide the perfect blueprint, but if you ever had to show someone who My Luminaries really are this song may not be the demonstration you need.