The Slytones – The Psychedelic Sounds Of

"The Psychedelic Sounds Of" is the EP release by the Brighton quartet The Slytones. Describing their music as 'Psychedelic Garage Blues' they almost hit the mark, except they forgot to mention the dark and sinister undertones and the surreal and often un-nerving arrangements. There is some great musicianship and the listener will never get bored of the continual changes in tempo, mood and styles.

The EP kicks off with the heavy psychedelic blues song 'Goldie Locks'. The haunting rhythms and gruff, affected vocals all add to the Zappa–esque guitar to enhance the song to greater things. They know how to change mood by altering tempos and genres mid-song and it all comes together as a delightful, ordered chaos.

The changing tempos are inherent throughout and on the next song, 'This Female For Retail', it's coupled with attitude laden vocals and some repetitive, slightly disturbing chorus. The song goes on for some time; swapping and changing and showing influences of Beefheart and Zappa oozing through; epic!

Repetitive chord structures follow with 'Captain Ketamine', with some twanging guitar and moody, dark cabaret-styled vocals. This is one big, moody, psychedelic throwback with the changes in mood and tempo you will start to expect whilst listening through this collection.

Slightly askew from the previous tracks, 'Sorry' is more of a modern take on the psychedelia thread and appears more layered; the more pronounced bass having the desired affect of molding it all together. The closing track, '(Shaking You Off) Like A Drug', again feels heavier than the first three, though the Beefheart and Zappa influences are still there.

Overall, this is an intricate mix of well thought out and well played horror psychedelia; disturbing and very entertaining.