Bleak Falls - Another Rainy Day

All is not quiet within the sleepy hills of Sussex it seems. Worthing-based debutants Bleak Falls have turned their amps up to eleven and delivered a mixed bag of noisy, desolate hardcore punk fused with melancholic rock with their first official release.

Their sound is one that combines a multitude of influences, although the result isn't particularly inspiring. Intro is actually a great, well, intro, except it fades out into nothing and ends up sounding disjointed when the rest of the EP is considered. Chapter Eighteen is solid enough slab of UK hardcore, although slightly lacking in hooks and anything other than basic guitar riffs. Ridgewell's vocals are an impressive asset however, screaming his way through each song with a raw passion that well and truly stamps the word bleak into the band's moniker. Rollin' On 60's quickens the pace and adds some welcome gang vocals to the mix.

The really interesting moments come when the band abolish the angsty hardcore altogether; what then appears is an interesting blend of rock licks and melancholy that shows the band aren't afraid to hold back and open up. The deeply personal Dear Brother showcases their talents as musicians, which further highlights creativity and song writing as the foremost areas for future progression.

A lot of the ideas showcased on Another Rainy Day sound mismatched and devoid of any kind of genuine cohesion. The production lacks energy, as do Bleak Falls at times, but the potential that can be heard here is unquestionable. Sometimes the simplicity of the songs works in their favour and delivers a swift blast of furious hardcore punk, but other times it falls flat. It succeeds more often than not though, and with the snippets of uniqueness and creativity in their sound, a bit of honing should send them well on their way to further success.