Psychedelic Jams

Eternal Tapestry's latest plays out like a psychedelic jam session; the tracks have little sense of form or structure and seem to organically meander through dreamy soundscapes rich with keyboard fiddles and jangly guitar. Little snatches of melody wind their way through these soundscapes - The Weird Stone has some of the most accessible moments, but for the most part, but if formless twiddling isn't your cup of tea you might find your patience tested.

Opener When I Was In Your Mind is over twelve minutes long and travels this dreamy world brazenly - there is no let up from washes of scuzzy guitar laid over with jangles and frenetic keys. In fact the whole album plays out in a similar fashion, drenched in distortion, with very little in the way of rhythm to grab hold of and with only the barest scrap of melody so overall it is quite a distancing record – failing to connect with the listener emotionally on any level and relying on expansive atmospherics and slow builds to draw you in.

While the opener is epic in length some of the other tracks are snappier, but even these shorter tracks are made to feel somehow epic, like part of a bigger piece. A few tracks draw on more of a rock feel, with slightly meatier riffs laid over the meandering core, however the riffage never really feels fresh - the riff at the heart of Apocalypse Troll for example sound s quite familiar and this is actually an issue with the album as a whole - A World Out Of Time feels like well trodden ground, almost psych by numbers.