Ready to rise above the rest

Every so often there comes an album so filled with searing passion and intelligence that the first listen through seems to grab you by the horns and leave you breathless by the time it's through. (Unrefutable proof that music reviewers are spawn of the devil. Ed.) This album by Rise Against, their third, yet first on a major label, is outstanding in every single way.

A band known for their intelligent thought provoking lyrics paired with power house drumming and thrashing sing along choruses, this CD will not let you down from intense drumming the second you press play right through past the acoustic wonders right back to the explosive finish of 'Rumours Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated'. In a world where to use the term 'punk' you need the history to prove it, without the fear of being berated, Rise Against take me back to the days when 'punk' was Black Flag and Bad Religion; lyrics sung with such thought provoking conviction, it makes my heart pound faster just to listen to it. This album scorches and lets you know how much of a vigorous performance this would be live. Tim McIlrath has a voice that will define a generation of those scorned by the pathetic Bush Administration advocating everything the Punkvoter campaign stood for, if anything now the battle is lost fuelling the fiery punk that will surely pour out from these gentlemen further.

Stand out tracks are incredibly hard to pick: every single one makes for a breath taking powerhouse tune that will make you think. And don't tell me music isn't there to make you think, because it is. Whether it's discussing politics, relationships, life as a musician, the environment, name the subject matter that's worthy of discussion and this band don't fail to show you their poignant view on it without preaching about them. Usually screaming and shouting in music is a huge turn off for me but this vocalist carries across the melody and is coherent, direct and to the point. If anything his raised vocals do nothing but heightened the conviction within each song.

'Give It All', 'Paper Wings', 'Dancing For Rain' are all just so incendiary by the time they're through you just don't know what else to do, what else can you listen to after something this powerful? This band don't talk down or around their subject matter or to their fans, they make their point and stake their claim and stick to it, thus making them better than 99% of all the bands I've come across recently. McIlrath said recently that their live show isn't one where you end up "sitting at the bar sipping a beer with your friend and talking over the band, you leave with your voice hoarse and your shirt ripped off your back". I could not argue his point further, listen to this CD and you'll believe it too. I could say something to sell you every song on this CD, it's just that good.

Now this isn't to say this band can't pull off heartfelt resonant songs either. Possibly the most stunning song that I've heard in years is 'Swing Life Away'. You know how everyone regardless of whether they like Green Day or not has 'Good Riddance' as a song to reminisce to? 'Swing Life Away' is that, about seven thousand times more articulate, heartfelt and heart rendering and I can tell you anyone who's involved in the music industry will see this song for what it is, a tale that all of us can relate to. Whether you're in a fledgling band, a merch guy, a journalist, a promoter, if you just care about music, if this song doesn't strike a chord inside of you, there must be something missing.

Overall this is a stunning album, just as brilliant as their previous two, if not better. In an era where we actually have something to be angry and passionate about once more, Rise Against aren't singing their views into deaf ears, we're all listening. And if you're not you should be.