Clang Boom Steam - Clang Boom Steam

Liverpool based Clang Boom Steam and set to release their self-titled debut album, and yes, their band name is a homage to Tom Waits.

Clang Boom Steam list Tom Waits and Nick Cave as their main inspirations, which automatically makes you think their music is not going to be the most upbeat, light-hearted thing you have ever listened to. Song titles such as Weird Bint and Digging Up The Dead do not do much to change that preconception.

Unsurprisingly, there are moments when the band sound a lot like Tom Waits, but there are also moments where their music parallels Johnny Cash and Queens Of The Stone Age.

The mix of sounds on Clang Boom Steam is great, it shows a lot a talent and a lack of fear when it comes to experimenting; that's not to say, this album is extraordinarily original but it is pretty diverse, which should give it a wide reach.

There are moments when frontman Garvan Cosgrove's vocal styling does not seem harsh or hard enough for their music Clang Boom Steam produce or the lyrics he is singing which waters down the effect the songs could have had.

Clang Boom Steam offers enough diversity to make you sit up and listen, the lyrics are interesting and it seems unlikely that they will be deemed as "radio-friendly" but I don't think the band have fully found their stride. However, it is not bad for a debut effort.