More like a Silk Cut than a Marlboro!

Opening track 'Sunset' is a slow and simple acoustic song, nice enough, one for being melancholy around the campfire whilst you watch the sun go down. 'Sunset' works quite well because it stays simple, it would have less effect if it were more complicated. The vocals are a bit over the top in terms of drawl at the start and end of lines. The lyrics are pretty standard stuff for the type of song, "we're lucky to be alive" and so on.

Second track 'My Soul' is another acoustic affair. Again, it's mellow and trundles along without really making you sit up and take notice. The third song 'Walking' is an interesting affair, slow and acoustic again using simple chord structures with a limited keyboard backing. The piano would be a nice touch if it extended beyond mimicking the guitar chords. The lyrics are a little forced with the vocals rambling a little, sounds like they're trying to find the tune and are a little cringe worthy in places. Tambourine comes in towards the end but it sounds like an afterthought and a little out of place. They could do a lot with this song because it has promise and I'd expect to see a much improved and more polished affair if it ever gets to a full release.

After a decent opening things tail off a little with 'Nobody Knows', a familiar descending guitar part is overshadowed once again by the vocals, they really do need some work! They struggle with the high notes and come across as a little contrived. It sounds like he's trying too hard, with this acoustic laid back feel it would work so much better with a more honest vocal style.

This is nothing special really but it's not bad by any means, with a little work it could get them somewhere. The only concern would be that there isn't enough variety in the sound to provide longevity, I'm not sure I could sit through a whole album of this, a few more twists and turns could make a big difference to the overall impression.