You May Be a Minger... But I'm Not

I'm sorry if you like the Super Furry Animals, but its with a stationary heart that I class this song in my trusty "boring" section. Many songs manage to get themselves shoved into this seemingly-cheap section, a product of bad reviewmanship, but I seriously feel that this is the most suitable section for the song.

I'm do not know why this song fails to move me, it could be the slow beating of those drums, the apparent lack of vocal emotion or the fact that the song is so slow. One thing can, however, be said. After taking time to absor this song I found that, I couldn't place where the song started whilst on repeat. Definatley not a good sign.

This song is extremely nice. If you are looking for something slower, you can't go wrong with this creation. 'Hello Sunshine' is clearly a happy, optimistic song, an image conjured right in the opening line: 'Hello sunshine, come into my life'. Behind the up-front vocals and guitar, little guitar licks and bits of piano dance around in the background, adding to the beauty of what can only be called a sound unique to the SFAs. You can also hear random pieces of modulated feedback doing their happy little twirls in the background, helping to create this overall calm yet unique sound. Certainly not the most amazing release to ever head in our direction, but worth a listen.