
As far as badly-considered names go, The Ordinary Boys ranks somewhere among the most joke-worthy. One thing's for sure, they've certainly left themselves open to all sorts of derogatory, if painfully obvious, puns. However, new single 'Seaside' could well provide final proof that these boys are anything but ordinary.

It's the feel-good single of the year. As the introduction builds, climaxing with a gorgeous brass burst, it's already evident that this is a particularly excellent track. Preston's vocals, given extra clarity by a strong British accent, meander through the verses before soaring into a chorus concluded with "Woah-oh-oh-oh". It's a melody-led song - and it's a melody you'll have in your head for weeks.

Lyrically, The Ordinary Boys seem to be taking the direction of a less wayward, more pop-oriented Mike Skinner. As usual, it's a song about something we all know - getting away from it all after a stressful time at work. It's superb: not simple enough to be cringe-worthy, but nowhere near complex enough to confuse. It's a song to relate to.

The only minor downside is that the shortened introduction feels a little 'chopped-up' in comparison to the original album version. But it's the lone, minor con of an otherwise exceptional release. 'Seaside' is one of the most addictive pop-rock singles released this year - and in a year like 2004, that's saying something.