Scott Walker - The Drift

Scott Walker returns with his first album in 11 years called "The Drift". This year there will also be a documentary released about Walker's music, and what he has been doing for the last 11 years; rumours have it that they have been spent down the boozer.

"The Drift" follows the same sonic territory as his last album 'Tilt' but with less emphasis on conventional song structures and more on repeated block of sound. "The Drift" lacks the guitar riffs and bass playing that have been heard on previous album. This is a strange album, which at some points I thought wasn't playing properly in my CD player. "The Drift" is more like a play than an album the gaps between tracks acting as dramatic pause. Lights down. Lights up. New scene. Just don't ask me to tell you what this album is about, as Walker's soaring voice is dense and often covered by orchestra noise.

"The Drift" goes on for a tedious 68 minutes, with each song seeming to last a lifetime and by the time it was finally finished I'd been left with a pounding head ache and was ready to find a nice quiet corner and sit in peace.