Edgy Punk Dissatisfaction

The Boss's sound is that of gritty, pressing discontent; it's the sound of opinions and anger challenged into a fluid musical form and pressed back into a CD to leap out in 3D the minute you press play.

There are pure melodic punk numbers such as catchy 'Disco', matched with more pop-friendly anthems like 'Your Scene', a pleasant hardcore-tinged number with the same catchy pop chorus sound as that of Lostprophets, tied with the chorus snappy line, "It's your sound/ it's your scene/ is it not for me?" 'Evil Meat's bumbling bassline lights up the skittish punk intentions, while 'Lions and Tigers and Bears' really lets out the frantic anger within; with all three members of the band contributing vocals at some point tracks like which feed on the variation of incensed cries. 'I Said Damn' has more of a garage vibe and gives you the impression of being in the middle of an argument between some rather lippy youngsters, but it's also rhythmic and funky to the core.

'Jim'll Fix It' is angry angular rock at its best with cutting guitars and karate chop vocals slicing through the main leering lyrical tirade. 'Hey Sailor' is another fine example of a class tune with the rhythm keeping a spontaneous and changeable feel, which suits the punk feel down to the metal toecaps.

The anxious, shuffling punk sound that The Boss convey is infectious and has a certain buzz about it; my only fault is that after a while you start to get sick of the hooligan-like inane shouting and wish you could hear more of the great guitar melodies over it.