Summer punky pop from The OnOffs.

Northampton may not be remembered as one of the greatest rock n roll town in Engalnd but it the home of The OnOffs, another shiny new band blending punks ferocity with melodies your dad would approve of and hairstyles your mum would coo over.

New Single 'Wrong Upstairs' is a quick blast, starting with a Queens of The Stone Age like bass line before the poppy guitar and breezy vocals kick in. In the space of the first ten seconds, the feel of the track turns almost 180 degrees and there is a vigour throughout the whole song.

The chorus is pretty simplistic, extolling the virtues of taking whatever you can to get you through and in using the age old term of someone having something wrong upstairs to perhaps indicate there is something missing.

With some sharp backing vocals and a feedback induced guitar line spiralling to the end, it's a strong single. It may not always be in your mindset but its guaranteed to put a smile on your face when its played.

Given that the band have already hit the I O W festival and have a slot at T in The Park to look forward to, its likely to be a busy and enjoyable summer for The OnOffs.