The sound of now from Last Gang.

The sound of the streets and the football hooligans, sound tracked by poppy minstrels who probably wished they lived through the punk era. Welcome to the world of Last Gang and their debut release 'Beat of Blue' sees them taking on the mantle of the new The Cribs with their attention to melody only being matched by their seemingly reckless antics.

Let's get straight to the point; the chorus runs "You're going home in the back of a police van" and once heard, it'll be repeated ad infinitum so get used to it now. The pay off line indicates that as usual, a proper boys ruck can only be caused by a girl so there's something for everyone. In this day and age, the realism contained in the track will bring comparisons to those Arctic Monkeys, and truthfully, it doesn't come off too badly. The wee guitar riff is neat and to the point, the verses busy themselves well and as mentioned, the chorus does exactly what you want and need.

'Never Be Alone' really manages to sound like The Cribs, with its slower paced and impassioned vocals and catchy backing chants bringing to mind 'Martell' and other fun hits from the boys. It's a bit more boy meets girl relationship than social commentary so it's a wee change from the lead track but musically, it's cut from the same cloth and well worth a listen.

A name like the last band leaves a band with a lot to live up but Last Gang have given themselves a good start with this debut single.