Into Eternity's latest ain't gonna be played for an eternity

Into Eternity are an interesting proposition; mixing power metal, progressive metal and melo-death stylings into a pleasing, intricate and altogether quite professional mix. At least, that's what I thought, their new album whilst still retaining some of the charm of their earlier work simply doesn't work that well. Most of the elements are the same, there has been no huge overhaul in the Into Eternity camp, but yet something still is missing.

The opener 'Severe Emotional Distress' is an interesting one, although that's not to say I particularly like it, adept growled and screamed vocals which convey genuine emotion and power are suddenly ruined by sudden switches into a terribly metalcore-esque clean vocal break. In all honesty, the clean vocals which either sound like whiny '-core' music or like some sort of horrible wail really do ruin what could be some delicious progressive death metal tunes.

The guitars are great, focusing on heavy thrash sections, traditional fast solos and beautiful dual harmonies. Occasionally, such as in the opening and instrumental section of 'Timeless Winter', this widdling and fiddling gets a little too much. Yes, we know you're talented. Yes, we know you are 'progressive', but please, get on with the song. It's not even so much that it is self-indulgent, many bands do such things and get away with it, it's just that you feel it is unnecessary and you'd rather they get back to the great crushing riffs rather than wasting their time on a pointless solo.

All in all, this was something of a disappointment. Into Eternity were a band who, whilst not exactly setting my world on fire, at least entertained me, now they are simply a bit annoying and a let-down in the face of their obvious potential. It's not even that the album is so bad in particular, it's more the fact that it is much less than it could have been. If you're looking for an example of failed potential then unfortunately, 'A Scattering Of Ashes' is it.