Polish metallers deliver a tight but monontonous album

"RAGGGGHHHHH!" Straight in with Cookie-Monster Lyrics (tm), this Metal-core band is rooted firmly in growling, nasty, hard metal. The first thing that struck me about the album was the cover. Taking the CD out, you are presented with a picture of the legendary Bill Hicks. Reading around a little and scanning over the lyrics, this certainly is a tribute to the aforementioned comedian. But it is as good as Tool's 'Aenima'?

His influence can certainly be seen in the lyrics which are quite poignant and cover lots of what can be best described as personal, angry issues. "I Don't Care", for example, is quite a personal attack on a certain kind of person. "Downfall" is similar again. "Do Your dance" is yet another attack, though it seems to be aimed more at a particular celebrity or simply famous people full stop. Given that there are only seven tracks on this album, things quickly seem to run together, with similar, angry themes throughout.

Yes, perhaps that sums up this album best. Despite the initial excitement, grown from the Bill Hicks pandering, I begin to wonder whether or not this band has simply borrowed hand and fast from the man and slapped on some generic, growling vocals and monotonous beats? Perhaps. The album is well produced, with a good sound, slick covers and artwork. The latter isn't what is important of course. Listening to this again, it's easier to pickup the rather tight drumming and bass lines. But outside that, there seems to be very little that grabs me. Towards the end of the album, we are treated to a few nice guitar sections and a little chorusing but by this time, I'm already bored and the album is over. A little too late perhaps?

This band from Poland will certainly appeal to the serious Metalcore fan. It's tight if a little monotonous. Given the rather good lyrics, it seems a shame to smother them in indecipherable growling. Yeah, the beats do change between songs, surprisingly. It's not all quite the same but I can't help feel that this band can actually do a little more. It's solid and the sound seems tight. But yes, for serious metalcore fans only. And ones that don't mind Bill Hicks being ripped off either.