Not Bad, Just Out of Date.

Paperlung – what a lovely name, even if it does sound like a slight rip-off of Aqualung. It leads one to expect music that is crisp, delicate and moving; but unfortunately the reality fails to impress. 'Do What Thou Will' is an inoffensive slice of bounce-along twiddling-guitar-heavy indie with a definite debt to Brit pop (especially Oasis at their most mainstream), not surprising when you realise vocalist Slice (yes, Slice) used to sing for the Boo Radleys.

Accompanying piece 'Where Were You Then?' has a sound so deeply rooted in the mid-nineties that you may forget how old you are. That piece of novelty aside however the track swims strongly in a sea of mediocrity; like its predecessor, it isn't dire or tuneless, but neither is it at all likely to set the world aflame. Both tracks here are pleasant enough, but will almost inevitably be swept along and forgotten – this sound was old ten years ago, and although it could be resurrected with a slight twist Paperlung have failed to bring anything new to the table.