A Bright New Band

I have followed the progress of Lewes foursome, The Pursuit, since the beginning of their existence just over a year ago, and I, like a proud parent have watched them grow and fundamentally progress both in maturity and musical ability.

Since the early, crackly demos of "Not a Patch" and the rustically live performance of "Fairy Tales" available from their myspace, The Pursuit have grown into a gritty clump of Sussex style. Still barely old enough to legally consume alcohol The Pursuit prove that they have been putting the work in for the two new demos available for purchase on the internet.

To kick off is a lovable adventure of teenage lust in the eyes of front man Log Galpin, "Take the Sunshine". A tender voice with a soft touch proves to be a master ingredient, and amongst the twang of Duncan Brown's highly strung guitar it is easy to see that hormones are very much prevalent and a fundamental driving force in this journey of whimsical love affairs. It's a step forward for The Pursuit whose Lewes and Brighton fan base is ever expanding after a handful of successful shows along side The Florists.

The second demo, "Once You Could Have Meant" takes a more viscous stance on things as we see The Pursuit pick up the pace in an ever so catchy pop tune that beats and bumps and jumps and jives for the entire two minutes and forty odd seconds that it graces your ipod, stereo or whatever sound contraption that you choose to dance to this song to.

It is safe to say that The Pursuit are no longer crawling on their inexperienced knees but are now partaking in a full swagger of a confident stride with this certain step forward for the four young boys.

The new songs are available for purchase at www.indiestore.com or for a wee listen on www.myspace.com./thepursuituk