A Must Listen

For those of you not familiar with the work of indie anarchists Miss Black America, then you'll soon want to be after hearing singer Seymour's solo project Open Mouth. Those who know of the band will recognise the same vocals laden with a heavy emotional charge and twinkling guitarwork with an uneasy edge.

Distancing himself from the rabid punk moments of the past, tracks like, '"A Charge To Keep"' show Seymour fashioning poignant moments with the listener hanging on every breath as deep strings and trilling electric notes rise elegantly from a simple acoustic tune. The first half of the album seems to embody the calm before the storm of gripping tunes like, 'Other Voices, Other Worlds' in the latter half.

Stripped down to breathy bareness, Seymour's tunes sparkle subtly with wit and assurance of his own musical ability that no longer require the impact of shock that many of his previous group's tracks had, although if you listened to the twisted tales that the lyrics impart, you may well find a darker side. Gentle riffs ebb and flow over each other, in 'Sous La Plage, L'Enfer' even combined with snatches of scrambled electric to create engaging and somewhat soothing soundscapes. This all sounds very mediocre, but it's actually a blend of chilled rock that slowly infiltrates your senses.

'Castle Keep' released as a double a-side with London singer Dexy, is as formidable as its name suggests, a tune that brews a vibrant passion with its harsh call of, "Everybody's looking at you for answers, you don't know more than I". In some ways the simple acoustic backing against Seymour's acerbic vocals makes them all the more powerful, highlighting the touching honesty of the words. 'Love Buzz' is a bluesy tune with chiming guitars and blaring vocals that feels like a real experimental rock piece with warts and all, although it's equally as pleasant as the dreamier numbers.

Open Mouth is a compelling listen worthy of anyone's attention with tunes to charm and seduce.