Already lined up for obscurity

There should be a rule written in stone somewhere that state that, under no circumstances, should a B-Side be better than the title track of a single. "Warm Sand" is a live recording of a soulful lament with just a voice and a guitar, that really shows off the talent of the young songwriter and singer, Jim Wood. With a little bit of spit and polish (not to mention production) this could have made a great single in its own right, the potential that is set is impressive. It is a pity though because in "Fighterplane", we have absolutely none of that.

"Fighterplane" is one of those songs that is almost destined to be on one of those god-awful indie compilation albums consisting of Radio 1's A-Listed acts and, around the second half of the second disc, a load of indie no marks, picked purely because their sound is easy on the ear and because the rights are cheap. There is nothing memorable about "Fighterplane" other than the fact that it was slightly irritating. The electronic elements to an otherwise straight rock sound do not add flavour as much as give the impression that there is something wrong with your speakers. The potential set up by the strong B-Side is a promise, but sadly marks are given for product and not effort.