
Lead Balloons claim to be the exuberant saviours of Indie-Pop but so claim many thousands of other bands just like them. So whom do we believe?…This one, rather poorly named band from Manchester or the vast amount of Indie forerunners who claim to be the real deal? Tough decision…your instinct probably says one of two things…1) Don’t believe any of them!! Don’t believe the bollocks. Or 2) Bring it on!! In the spirit of new music, lets go for option number two, shall we? And delve ourselves in the musical egotistics of Lead Balloons, give them a real chance and see what we think from there.

The trouble with Double A-sides is that it can go one of three ways for the band. 1) It can be a triumph from cover to cover…both songs equally amazing…and effervescent. 2) It can be a tale of two halves; One song being incredible…the other being not so good. Or 3) The entirety of the release being complete and utter rubbish. A Shambles.

Well I think we can safely assume from this that this band have some potential, to an extent, but there is no evidence to suggest that they are going to have a huge impact on the Indie industry as we know it.