Exit Avenue - A Thousand Odd Lines

Ever gone into a restaurant and ordered something off of the menu that in print sounds completely delish, but when sitting on a plate in front of you is never as yummy as you had hoped. You then end up spending the next ten minutes picking out the parts of the meal that are actually quite decent and pushing the remainder to the edge of your plate. This is kind of what listening to Exit Avenue’s next release ‘A Thousand Odd Lines’ is like.

Each track has its good areas, the beats are rock solid and the rhythms run strong, but like most meals, there is something that runs through it that upsets the rest. The mix of a catchy synth that runs alongside a firm and steady beat is very original. Unfortunately in the individual areas where the dance beats run alone and the insistent beep-beep noises play like an adolescent teen at the back playing an annoying video game, the track fails to make me want to head for the dace floor but rather the exit. However, just as you are about to walk through, the blend of sounds reel you back in. The harmonies are sound on this one, and the perfect dessert to round up an otherwise half decent meal.