It kills some time.

The Frantic sound like the sort of band that this writer would enjoy, there is an edge to the name that trips off the tongue as well as the all-important “The.”

However, in yet another reminder to not judge a book by its cover, to always look before you leap and to take heed of every single old wives tale and allegory you have ever been fed in your life, this single was a bit of let-down and it may all be down to their name.

They sound as though they should be ready to roll into a venue and kick some arse for thirty minutes top and leave the audience panting for more but be in fear of receiving it. In actual fact, The Frantic sound like a band who quite enjoy Razorlight but only the ballads as they find the spunkier guitar tracks a bit too noisy.

‘Killing Time’ is the lead track and its an unfortunate title as at no point does it come across as being anything other than inconsequential filler. Sure “and its never going to be that way” refrain isn’t bad but that’s the sort of line that’s all been heard before and the stench of reheats is all over this track.

3rd track ‘Underground’ has the most life about it but its still a limp lettuce of a track but the fact that it’s the best of the four available here is a bit worrying. Oh well, that’s what you get for having expectations, that’ll be the last of that!