Pretty downright awful

Your average Cheap Hotel, is pretty shit quality. There’s lots of noise, the food tastes crap, you’re never finished complaining, and your experience is nothing short of a nightmare. Cheap Hotel, the band, shares common similarities. “New York” is a track that is unnecessarily overly noisy, clashy and just down right awful to listen to. A negative experience so you could say. Screeching guitars, shrieking people, a dreary depressive bass line and droll vocalist.

You keep getting the impression that this band is trying to jump on the Tings Tings band-wagon. They are chasing it as fast as the can but falling some way short of talent, they don’t make it at all, and the band-wagon steers off into the sunset. Cheap Hotel represents everything that is weak about the music scene at this moment in time. There is a complete lack of strength in their music and a complete lack of development or musical articulation. It comes across as just vulnerable noise. If you want a headache then give it a listen, otherwise, avoid.