Barry White On LSD?

This album is weird. It sounds like Barry White took LSD and then got a bunch of Pink Floyd tribute musicians (who also work in a circus) to play backup for him. In a good way. It's charming in the weirdo-lounge way that Richard Cheese is charming, and is very very listenable. There's even a sense of old-soul/RnB in there that makes old-fashioned lovestuff mildly appealing.

Adamson manages to do a throwback to the Barry Manilow-esque lounge singers of yesteryear, but still keeps a calmingly modern edge to his music. I could see him performing in the Mos Eisley Cantina in the original Star Wars movie. In fact, I suspect Barry Adamson is an alien or a very likeable supernatural creature. If you listen to Back to the Cat you'll understand.

So, if you liked the music in Tarantino's Jackie Brown, give Adamson a try. I even think break-dancers would get a kick out of this guy.