El Perro Del Mar - Glory to The World

El Perro Del Mar aka Sarah Assbring is back with Glory To The World the first single to be lifted from her album From The Valley To The Stars.

This Swedish songstress has created a pleasantly arranged song, which is delicate and free of fanfare. The gentleness and simplicity helps to drive home the message behind the lyrics, and the simple wooden flute that is used really give the track a unique edge, but it is a little dull. The song and the music are nice, but I’d like the song to develop, there’s not distinct difference between the chorus and verse. The song doesn’t even last three minutes but seems a lot longer.

Assbring is a talented young lady, but I don’t think this song shows her abilities well at all. It’s dull and drab, it kind of reminds me of the songs you used to put together with your schoolmates in music class.