One Two - Annie Mall

Opened by a blinding rock guitar, ‘Annie Mall’ is a pretty fun track. Moving between a funky pseudo-ska drum beat and slightly more upbeat rock pace, it is hard to be down when listening to it.

Although it is a central part of the song and it can be quite fun, the self conscious Frenchness is a bit annoying; particularly when an accordion is brought in. You will also find it very hard to understand what the hell this song is actually all about, even when it is in English.

The “Annie, Annie” refrain might be a little too familiar to anyone who has heard “Annie Let’s Not Wait” by the Guillemots, but judging from the different appeal of the two bands, this shouldn’t be a problem for many.
It is a fun song in places and annoying in others; well worth a listen but perhaps not worth digging in a wallet for.