Rough Retro Rock

There is something very very retro about Whole Sky Monitor. The title track Cinenema (no I have no idea what it means either) is like the bastard offspring of US alt-rock legends Guided By Voices and erm UK Brit-pop also rans Ocean Colour Scene.

Lyrically it might be a little pretentious but the rough, ragged production and instrumentals give it the snarling brooding edge so many of Whole Sky Monitor’s commercially successful peers couldn’t even begin to think about recording. Things take a slide on the singles B sides with the overtly ‘Sick Sick Sick’ an unnecessarily tuneless creature which sounds like The Clash trying to do an impression of Guns N’ Roses. Final track ‘N.O’ isn’t too shabby but when compared to the single itself leaves you with the impression that whilst the energy is there and the independence of will all great bands have; Whole Sky Monitor still have a while to go before they can start messing with the big boys.