ddd-ddd EP

“DDD” or “ddd” as they prefer it is a duo of industrial/art/noise sorts that were obviously force-fed a diet of Nine Inch Nails. The fact that their last track, titled ‘Spiral’, and has the lyric’s ‘Downward Spiral’ has set them up to be compare or scrutinised to Nine Inch Nails. Clocking in at just over the seven-minute mark, this three track EP is as repetitive as it gets. This is putrid stuff; this is art nonsense trying to be to cool for school. Track one ‘Drown’ Kicks off with Industrial beats and a Quirky Guitar riff, that’s as so as your goanna get, Drop in some tepid, out of tune Brian Moloko (placebo) styled Vocals and this is truly cringe worthy stuff. All three songs on this EP are linear, dull, repetitive and down right boring! The Kind of people that make this music are Art Students that believe they have a higher intellect and their fore believe that the music that they make are one hundred percent solid gold hits (Hits for the more culture art folk of this world that is). Personally I would label this just one hundred percent solid shit!