Bolshy Cock Rock

The Sea is formed from brothers Peter and Alex who started the band to have fun, something that's definitely evident on this record. 'Don't You Want Me' is cock-rock by numbers with jagged guitar riffs and howling vocals that evoke bands like Pink Grease and The Glitterati but with a slightly more brooding and almost bluesy guitar sound. The regular leering guitar riffs are perfectly timed with the bolshy percussion and it all feels a little too simple because of this, with the lyrics hardly adding any intellectual edge. If you like your music in your face and rocked-up, then you'll be pretty happy with 'Don't You Want Me', but if you're looking for something more original or inspiring you're best staying clear of the duo, at least until their sound has matured and developed its own edge. The lack of a bside doesn't do anything to increase confidence in the group's output either.