Cold War Kids

Cold War Kids



Live, Cold War Kids create a chaotic grove that recalls the first Beta
Band EP, Billie Holiday, Dylan and the Velvet Underground. Lyrically,
they conjure up bizarre and fragile tales of robbery, complex
relationships, political and religious allegories. Sepia tinged imagery of
fishing trips, the front page of the New York Times and Vietnam.

These are expertly woven tales of everyday wretched people trying their
damnedest to live well while teetering between despair, complacency and
joy. Characters that are funny and serious at the same time, like J.D.
Salinger or "Peanuts".

This is a very special band that ticks all the boxes and (without even
trying, or probably caring) are, cool as fuck.

Nathan Willett - guitar, lead vox
Jonnie Russell - guitar, vox
Matt Maust - bass
Matt Aveiro - drums
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