Senses Fail – Renacer

After more than a decade of existence and multiple line-up changes, the latest full length album to come from this New Jersey based band Senses Fail is Renacer.

The album captures the band as they redefine themselves in a bold and new chapter. It is a reflection of Senses Fail in their current state of mind, creativity and line-up. From the opening strumming of the title track the album pulsates with a heavier sound. There has been a move away from the more pop-driven sound and a more exploratory heavier take on the new material. The opener is a primal and rough around the edges type of track, topped off with a gruff vocal yelling of the lyrics and what follows on the rest of the album is pretty similar.

There are moments of less aggression throughout several points. The heavier manner in which the album opens continues to some degree throughout the album's entirety but there are segments of poppier melodies, like on Glass for example. Mid-way through many tracks there are vocals that are softer on the ears - a scream/sing balance taking hold on either the verse or chorus. One track that will surprise some fans is Mi Amoras there are lyrics in Spanish.

The only real downside to the album is the lack of any particular track that stands out above and beyond all others, a track that is easily memorable for a particular aspect. The closest thing to this will likely be Snake Bite as even the tender vocal contribution gets a little wild in expression.

Some fans will appreciate the change in direction the band has gone with on the new album while others may not. For this listener, it is the perfect combination of poppier choruses with tender vocals and heavier takes on the verses with a gruff voice - blend the two and you have a great album to listen to.