"Matures Quickly" (like a frog fed iodine)

Close My Eyes is the second single from the highly promising band: The Open. In some respects, they sound similar to the Swedish band Mew; the melodic guitars weaving throughout this song are just one example. Despite forming a year ago they have the mature sound that normally comes from a band who have been together for a longer period of time. Their lyrics also appear older than their years, but manage to retain the modern feel that will, inevitably, allow them to gather a secure group of fans. The vocals swoop like a bird on a breeze, tumbling alongside striking guitar playing which you can only fully appreciate when you listen to the full-length version, which is found on the single. On this The Open meander slightly, allowing their fragile keyboards more of a chance to come into the spotlight. The exclusive song Brown Paper Bag hints at The High and Lonesome in its haunting lyrics, but this couldn’t be anything but a good thing.