Revolting Rap

'Sick 2 Def' kicks off with a clattering of big, open acoustic guitar chords, unfortunately this is where most of the musical value ends as the rest is distorted by the vulgar rap. "Little Mo getting raped and not getting it aborted", "Like a necromantic raping a corpse up the anal passage while contracting genital warts" are just some examples of the cheerful lyrics. Admittedly it's a smart rap that drills questions about some current issues into your head, but there is a line of what most people are happy to listen to, and frankly, this tune crosses it by miles.

'No Good' has a more traditional hip-hop backing track and the first expletive kicks in just 11 seconds in. An aggressive flow of rhythmical coarse language and street talk ensues before the chorus from Prodigy's tune of the same name appears - slightly off-key and in a haunting manner - it's like a breath of fresh air amidst the heavy threats of the rest of the record.

Both tracks are well-produced and have a smooth sound, but this is instantly destroyed by the vile lyrics; this is probably the point, but 'Sick 2 Def' is one tune that won't make it onto the radio.