
It always concerns me when a band or the literature which arrives with their CD announces that they intend to change the face of a particular style of music. There's nothing wrong with ambition and fair play for having it, but usually it's very hard to tell from a demo or first single if this is a likely ambition, plus it puts extra expectation on their music: "alright then, show us what you're made of!"

This band are clearly confident in the songs they've produced and rightly so. They list acts like Interpol and Smashing Pumpkins among their influences, which is a fine grounding in the art of great alternative rock, Wintermute are definitely showing the potential to create their own interpretation on such an art form.

'It could be no other way' sits nicely among the alternative acts which our music scene is a wash with right now. There is a subtle difference from the Bloc Parties and Arctic Monkeys of this world though as in production sound it is slightly heavier. There is a polished and no nonsense approach to this track, no effects, feedback or fancy tricks, just a rock song to jump about to.

The guitar work in the intro to 'Empty eyes' proves that we're dealing with a band that is made up of very accomplished musicians as it has genuine quality to it. This track initially suggests it will be a heavier track than this CD's opener and during the Chorus' we get flashes of what this band can do when they step up a gear and take you by the throat. The constant changes in pace to this track makes for a rewarding listen, but I would be interested to hear how a full throttle hard rock offering from them might sound.

I was very disappointed by the fact that 'Empty Eyes' faded out just as the instrumental part was building to it's climax, given that they can't fade out live why did they have to end like that and not give us the classic rock style ending which the track was promising?

This band don't appear to be the sorts to change the face of alternative rock, but there's enough going on here to suggest plenty more of real quality may come.