Light and summery but its not going to linger on.

Kooks frontman Luke Pritchard recently stated that he believes that he and his friends could become bigger than Britpop. That's hardly a stellar dream is it? For those too young to remember and only recall the Britpop summers through the nostalgic look-backs on music video stations, lets lay some myths to rest. Yes, it was fun at the time, yes the biggest bands of the era transcended the rest of the chancers but ultimately, the music quickly became dull and provided every Tom, Dick and Menswear with an opportunity of fame, which stood greatly at odds with their talent.

The hangover from Britpop was so bad it allowed bands such as Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park to became major acts in the UK and set the scene for the depressing misberalists of Travis and Coldplay.

As a genre, it isn't one to be admired or hoped of emulating, its one to be recalled briefly and passed over swiftly.

As for their latest single, 'She Moves In Her Own Way', it's a noticeable change from 'Naive' and is quite a chirpy bouncy track, almost akin to a nursery rhyme such is its simplicity. And for all it sways and is perfectly timed for summer days in the park and wistful thinking, it has all the substance and lasting memory of a cheap ice-lolly. It'll fill a gap for a brief period of time, it may even put a smile on your face but give it five minutes, and you'll have forgotten you even had it.

The vocals come across really nasally and add to the sense of patronising affection towards the girl referred to in the songs title. The guitars strum along without causing offence and there is some life near the end but overall, the track passes by without making much of an impression.

Given the light nature of the track and the overall unconvincing nature of The Kooks popularity, sure the indie girls lap up a pretty boy but theres no indication the act will cross-over to genuine music lovers, perhaps the dreams of emulating the "golden days" of Britpop may just be about the limits of The Kooks realistic dreams and ambitions.