Promising, indeed.

The first thing one notices about Mr Hudson & The Library's sound is how lo-fi it is, a fact that can lead one to falsely assuming the band are very much in the amateur stage and that 'Too Late, Too Late' will not astound. As the track progresses however its qualities shine through and it is impossible not to love the januty beat and vast array of instruments employed, from steel drums to brass. The Library conjure what is perhaps the only non-annoying ska backing since Madness, whilst Mr Hudson ruminates on his status as a clown (metaphorically speaking) in esturary English – it isn't a voice of stunning beauty, but neither does it bring the track down.

There is only really one song on this CD, which is something of a shame as it is rather a good little ditty and listeners may wish they had been given more to chew on. The 'Instrumental version' is just that, and the 'Remix' almost identical to the title track. Mr Hudson & The Library receive a thumbs up from here for their original sound and genuine feeling nonethless, even if they do have a pretentious image-based website that is almost impossible to navigate.