Moody alt-rock.

'Filtered to Function' has a massive six tracks, that's practically an album in most bands' books, yet this is an EP. You've got to admire Loci's ethic; piling the record with six tracks and recording and producing it themselves, it shows a commitment that comes across in their music too.

The EP is full of no messing alt-rock with pretty heavy guitars and some excellent tunes. Luckily, considering how long the record is, and how long each track is (most are over four minutes long) it never outstays its welcome, there's plenty of moody aggression and attitude in the songs, (for a three piece they make plenty of noise), but this is tempered by an indie inspired edge which really fills out the sound and provides some catchy tunes and nice quiet, reflective moments. The stand out track is 'Trinity', which is immediately catchy and danceable, has an excellent sing along chorus and some memorable riffs.