Its just okay.

After impressing as the mild mannered and almost sensible act on the Nme Indie Rock Tour (is that a compliment considering The Horrors, The View and The Automatic) were their tourmates, things went a bit quiet from Mumm-Ra. Admittedly its not been that long since the tours were in full swing but in this crazy, quick moving world, any gap in a new bands itinerary can lead to doubts or at least questions as to what is going on.

So those folk waiting patiently for new material can rest at ease as 'She's Got You High' has came along to fill in the gap and spread that dose of Mumm-Ra melody and whimsicalness.

Lead singer James 'Noo' New has a fragile quality to his vocal and the quick pace delivery steps briskly through the song and although the jabbing guitar in the background makes an attempt to come to the fore, the vocals are the most memorable part of the track.

The cyclical guitar theme is quite nice and adds a good touch to the song but theres not a lot to get excited about, although there is a bit of urgency towards the end of the song. Not too much but enough to get you on your feet and pricking up your ears.

With an album due at the end of the month, theres obviously a lot more to come from Mumm-Ra but this showing only hints at the potential the band has, as opposed to ramming their quality down the listeners throat.