A Gorgeous and Diverse Album

Mumm-Ra's brand of buoyant indie pop is one that is instantly likeable, although it may not seize you by the throat and declare godlike genius, it's a subtle blend of rapturous guitar riffs and mellow melodies that will charm your ears into surrender.

'Out Of The Question' is a gripping 4 minute number with sweeping guitar work and bright vocal harmonies that instantly impress. "I hope that you know that the world is for spinning around", sigh the sweet vocals on title track, 'These Things Move In Threes', a blustery mix of chirpy synth sounds and fizzing guitars that showcases Mumm-Ra's desire to play around with traditional instrumentation and add a quirky twist. They may not be re-writing the indie dictionary, with tunes still focussing on girls and relationships, for example the self explanatory 'She's Got You High' but while keeping the drive and energy of the usual suspects in the form of guitars and percussion, and adding some playful layering, Mumm-Ra's sound finds much more appeal than other indie groups.The former's blissful backing is a refreshing sound if ever there was one.

Mumm-Ra can also rock, 'Song B' is a frantic number with edgy guitarwork and stripped down brutal rhythms, the chorus is of epic proportions with shrill metallic-edged vocals grating against the grungy guitar tone. 'This Sick Deal' is an equally compulsive listen maintaining a highly charged pace and mixing fast paced guitar work with pleading vocals. 'Starlight' is strikingly more intimate that the previous tunes with the vocals high in the mix breathing the words, "I'm so in love again, I'm walking endlessly, I'm wasting all of my time" into your swooning ears. It balances the effusive lyrics perfectly with driving guitars that bustle you along.

'Light Up This Room' is a softer number that soothes gently through buzzing synths and sharp nudges from the fractious guitars who are waiting to burst out for a grand chorus. Single, 'What Would Steve Do?' is a fabulous tune that glows with merriment, a cacophony of instruments accompanying this upbeat sound. Tense closer, 'Down Down Down' is a sorrowful finale detailing the loss of, presumably, the same young lady who the band have been in love with for most of the album, although sad, it doesn't get bogged down and the soft vocal harmonies are quite inspiring in their beautiful sonic archecture, overlapping and complementing each other with grandiose style.

'These Things Move In Threes' is a wonderful listen that will have you smiling at the simple skipping pop tunes, but also marvelling at the creative layers of instruments built into each tune. As a debut album, this is a true wonder that sounds like it comes from a band with years of experience and development of sound behind them, even established groups could look on in awe.