Polytechnic are ahead of the class

Hailing from Manchester, must be somewhat of an albatross around your neck, if you are in a band. Comparisons to other Manc bands being inevitable and with the city literally being home to some the greatest acts the world has ever seen things can get a bit tricky. Just as well really that Polytechinic sound very little like their Manchester musical brethren. No maudlin lyrics, strained vocals or three chord musical progressions here; instead just the most perfect slice of pop you could ever hope to hear.

'Won't You Come Around' is darling little pop record, brimful of bitter sweet sentiment, honeyed harmonies and some of those jingly jangly melodies which Manchester is so famous for. Combining the drive and delicacy of Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and the pure joy and sunshine of The Shins, this is a glorious little gem of a single. The kind of song you just can't help but put on repeat and makes even the greyest days a little more bearable.

It radiates with its sun drenched charm and wouldn't have sounded out of place on one of those 'wow, isn't everything amazing' montages on The OC. In fact, they should just bring it back so they can add this on the soundtrack it is so relentlessly good.

This is three minutes of pure, carefree pop perfection: absolutely flawless.