Bizarre but just short of brilliant.

Everyone thinks their mum is the best, it's only a natural reaction and if anyone doesn't think that then they're more to be pitied than scolded but it's hard to be so emphatic about this one. A better comparison would be towards the strange but completely charming aunt who visits so often and turns your world upside down (admittedly, this type of relative only exists in Disney films but you get the general idea.)

'They Made Frogs Smoke Til They Exploded' is a whimsical and strange number, obviously with that title you would probably be expecting a verse / verse/ chorus /verse number that stuck to a few chords but no, it turned out to be a hot pot of different styles and an array of instruments and sound additions. The mix leaves everything fighting at the same time and it takes repreated listens to find everything thats going on. The delightful female vocals, the differing percussion stabs, the radio feeds slipping in and out and so much more. The press release indicates the track is about animal cruelty but to be honest, if anyone can make that out from a few listeners, then a very large cap will be getting doffed in their direction, then again, the title is perhaps a nod about what the song is about!

With an instrumental entitled 'The Amateur Show' popping up on the flip-side, the musical invention continues and if Lemon Jelly toned down their commercial edge this may not be a million miles away from what would be seen here. Its all rather srange but is slightly charming and certainly in no way offensive so if you want to broaden your horizons for a little while, spend some time with mum.