Does it offend you yeah? - Let's make out

Does it Offend you.... well does it? If you are going to listen to material such as this track, 'Let's Make Out' by Does It Offend You Yeah, then there is certainly one requirement...you must not be easily offended! If you are, then why are you even reading this?

This dance electronica track is perfect if you are in a club and want to boogie, or if you driving down the motorway, sun on your face and stereo up full blast to tick off all the other drivers. However, if sitting at home in your bedroom, then maybe not such a good one on the ears.

'Let's Make Out' begins with the acoustic repetitive title to grab the listener, then gradually building up to an electric screech tambourine beat. The vocals are typical for this type of tune; loud and annoying, especially with the scream at the end (is there any need for this?). Another feature that was not needed; the hazy middle section. Following this, the track becomes a little darker. All in all, this is an in your face track that is probably best kept for the true fans of the genre.