The band destined to contest and conquer The Enemy (Full Stop!!)

The Courteeners consistently write spirited hard-hitting Indie-tracks. From their debut "Cavorting" to "Acrylic" you can draw the impression that this is a band that put heart and soul in to what they write, and as for lyricism: "You're Just like plastacine, getting' moulded into a Libertine dream", says it all really. You can't buy the poetry that these guys come out with; it's simply priceless; genius for want of a better word. This is Indie-Rock, delivered with an overwhelming conviction, reeking with Morrisey influence and Oasis aggression.

I haven't been this excited for a band since, well, I can't remember. This is the band destined to contest and conquer The Enemy; you've been warned. Explosive, vigorous and dynamic giants, in the making.