Questioning Life

Slow, swaying, and gentle, “Just Want To Live” is one of those numbers that’s perfect for a “lighter moment”. It’s a different and in some ways a more mature non-commercial sound from The Open, with imploring vocals, soft guitars and keyboards, full of cascading melody that will have you moving gently with a light in your outstretched hand. It has that “standing in the rain questioning life” feel which will certainly appeal to the “teenage angst” filled among the populace.

“Out Of The Box” is heavier and stronger in sound, but sticks to the pace set by “Just Want To Live”. Musically it has that power held in check sound interspersed with softness. It has direction, but which way is the question?

Slow placed and again melodic this number has the musical intensity of a Pink Floyd sound and has a vocal honesty that is communicates well. This again reflects the same feeling as “Just Want To Live”.