Lost EP

Amongst the more pointless releases is Coldplay’s 'Lost EP'. Pointless given that the EP even neglects to include b-sides; offering three versions of the same song instead. Scrooge-like, any new material is featured on 'The Prospekt’s March EP' released on the same day. Granted, 'Lost' itself is an agreeable listen; a play-by-numbers lesson in the sentimentality and tedious metaphorical lyrics that Chris Martin has become renowned for. Yet despite numerous chances the song fails to triumph.

Even the solo Chris Martin version offers a poignancy that the master version overlooks, even if the piano keys sound rushed towards the end. The live version barely offers anything new, apart from the crowd and Martin sounding mighty excited. Quite why Jay-Z decides to get involved in 'Lost +' is a mystery. You wonder where he is and then up he pops halfway through adding some obligatory ‘yeahs’ and a barely meritable rap compared to his usual high standards.