Addiction rise to the challenge of Bloodstock
It's ten to twelve, Saturday morning. Last night, Bloodstock was rocked by the some of the greatest metal acts around. I'm not ashamed to say I am expecting a come down in the quality of acts; surely there's no way the excellent first day can be topped?
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Rise To Addiction storm on stage and immediately the crowd stand up and take notice. It's fascinating to watch a band who aren't hugely known totally surprise an audience, but this morning Rise To Addiction perform exactly that task. With an uplifting mix of strong vocals, impressive stage prescence and some guitar work to be reckoned with, Rise To Addiction are an outright success immidiatly. Thankfully, a decent amount of metalheads turn up to watch the show, and it's something the band are genuinely thankful for. Between every song there's a request to the crowd to make some noise, a request that is met with a hearty roar of approval from a historically excellent crowd.
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Rise To Addiction have been presented with an awesome challenge; open the second day of undoubtedly the most important event on any British metal fan's calender. Rather than shy away from the task, the band pour every ounce of energy into the show, with vocalist Leigh Oates visibly coaxing the crowd into chanting along, but quickly following through with an impressive bout of strong vocals. Guitarists Steve Wray and John Slater are notably excellent in their personas on stage, making sure there's never a time when someone in the crowd isn't showing them the horns of metal.
Rise To Addiction have proven themselves as an excellent band with a ferocious live set. Furthermore, they've won over a vital fanbase. Now it's time to see them play a larger set.
To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 16 available.